Call for Volunteers at PPLG 2021

To apply as a Volunteer at PPLG 2021 please fill the application form on this page by (NEW!) Sunday 5 September 2021.

We are calling for Volunteers to support the production of the international online conference Play Perform Learn Grow: Creating Belonging in Times of Pandemic (PPLG 2021).

PPLG 2021 is taking place online on 10, 11, 12 September 2021.
190 Presenters from more than 30 countries will share their discoveries in education, research, therapy, art and community work and co-create new performances of belonging together with people and communities from all around the world.

PPLG 2021 is organized in collaboration with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Thessaly, Anamuh, East Side Institute of New York, Epineio Institute, Lesvos Solidarity and Odysseas Lesvos. It is produced by an international organizing team.

Responsibilities and tasks of Volunteers:

  • To support presenters during the parallel sessions, each in an allocated Zoom room, making sure that the minimum and maximum numbers of participants are met.
  • To keep track of the session’s duration and remind the presenters regarding the timely presentation of their work.
  • To give technical support to the presenters, if needed, during the online sessions (including hosting the Zoom call, admitting participants in waiting room, managing breakout rooms, managing screen shares and presentation materials, etc.).
  • To be a general reference for participants during the conference, recognizable as PPLG Volunteers.
  • To help build the community of PPLG and co-create throughout the conference an environment of belonging.


  • Experience on the online platform Zoom as host of meetings, on a computer.
  • Some experience in management of Zoom tech, including participant management, security options, Waiting room, Breakout rooms, screen/sound/video sharing, spotlighting, etc. During the Training Sessions all the tech aspects will be covered.
  • Access to a computer with a working webcam and microphone and Zoom installed, on a reliable and stable internet connection capable of supporting a smooth Zoom video call.
  • Availability during the days of the conference, taking into consideration one’s own time-zone and personal restrictions.
  • Commitment to participate in the online Training Sessions pre-conference (see below).

What we offer to Volunteers:

  • Free participation in the international PPLG 2021 conference, including access to all workshops, presentations and performances (check the program here: ).
  • Volunteering and participation certificate: a personal certificate will be issued to each Volunteer by the organizers of the conference, useful for any academic or professional use.
  • Training Sessions pre-conference: we offer to volunteers free online workshops (including theatre, dance, music and dramatherapy workshops) as volunteer training, before the production of the conference.
  • Personal and group support throughout the conference and further guidance whenever it is needed.


Training for Volunteers:
The Training Sessions for Volunteers will be hosted online, on Zoom.
Participation in the training workshops is a requisite to be accredited as PPLG 2021 Volunteers.
The Training will happen online on these days and times in Central European Summer Time (CEST).
Please check your local starting time here:

  • Wednesday 1 September 16.30 – 18.30 CEST
  • Monday 6 September 16.30 – 18.30 CEST
  • Wednesday 8 September 16.30 – 18.30 CEST


To apply as a Volunteer at PPLG 2021 please fill this application form by (NEW!) 5 September 2021.
For any questions, feel free to contact us:

Call for Volunteers at PPLG 2021