PPLG 2019: Bridging Communities, Practices and the World
PPLG 2019 took place on 3-5 October 2019 in Anatolia College, Thessaloniki, Greece. It was developed grassroots and completely independently by the PPLG 2019 international organizing team and the local volunteer team. It was organized in collaboration with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, East Side Institute, University of Thessaly, Epineio Institute and Lesvos Solidarity.
PPLG 2019 brought together 280 people from 38 countries, of which 186 were presenters at PPLG 2019. Artists, therapists, researchers, community organizers, academics, educators and youth workers from diverse methodological backgrounds that all used play and performance to heal trauma, activate imagination, work with conflict, cultivate cultural exchange and build new communities. PPLG built community across nationality, methodology, culture.
Without any external source of funding, PPLG 2019 has been organized grassroots and completely independently. PPLG Community organized a community crowdfunding campaign that raised more than 10.000 Euro and made possible the participation, in some cases including travel, accommodation and Visa expenses for many creative community builders, coming from all around the world.
PPLG 2019 created the environment for play, exchange, creation of new relationships and new communities. It created support for existing projects and became the springboard for many new ones that emerged amongst its participants which will be shared during PPLG 2021.
The PPLG 2019 Call for Proposals can be found HERE.
The Creative Program and the Abstract Book of the PPLG 2019 conference can be accessed HERE.
The list and profiles of the Presenters at PPLG 2019 is HERE.
PPLG 2019 Photo Credits:
Emma Brown Photography, Mohamed Suleiman, Amir Mohammadi