Theatre for Living Power Play with David Diamond

19-23 September + 3-6 October 2019

Thessaloniki, Greece

As the realities of climate change are upon us, how do we build connections with each other and not more walls? How do we recognize there is no “them”, that on this tiny blue ball, there is only “us” here?

We are inviting you to join the 6-days Power Play, led by the renowned theatre director David Diamond.

David has adapted Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed into what he now calls “Theatre for Living” approaching the work from a systems perspective:

The Power Play will be created by people from diverse backgrounds and walks of life from around the world, to explore how blockages are manifesting in our lives and getting in the way of us taking collective responsibility and action, in response to Climate Change.

The Power Play will be performed as interactive Forum Theatre and it will contribute to create the international conference Play, Perform, Learn, Grow (PPLG): Bridging Communities, Practices and the World, Thessaloniki, Greece, 4-6 October 2019:


Organized by ANAMUH – Arts for Dialogue (

In collaboration with:

Theatre for Living (

Play, Perform, Learn, Grow (

Information and registrations:

For any doubts or question, don’t hesitate to contact:

Francesco Argenio Benaroio:



Theatre for Living Power Play with David Diamond